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Citizens' Assembly for Critical Thinking About the United States

Fall, 2013 e-CACTUS

What Should We do About the 2nd Amendment?

 Keep It?  Change It?  Repeal It?  Other options?


The Citizens’ Assembly for Critical Thinking about the United States, after studying and deliberating about the Second Amendment in the United States Constitution and the right to keep and bear arms in American society, has voted thirteen to three to recommend adoption of the following amendment to the Constitution.  If adopted, it would become the Twenty-eighth Amendment:

An Amendment to the Constitution of the United States:

Section 1.

The Second Amendment is hereby repealed.

Section 2.

A responsible citizenry shall have the right to keep and legally utilize arms for national and self defense, and for recreation.

Section 3.

The states may regulate the ownership and use of arms in a manner not inconsistent with Section 2 of this amendment.


Do you support the recommendation of CACTUS to replace the current Second Amendment with the proposed new amendment? 




YES – 103   27%

NO -   284   73%

For an explanation of the Assembly’s reasons and the process they followed to reach this result, click on the following link to the e-CACTUS Final Report for Fall, 2013:  "What Should We Do about the Second Amendment?":

Final Report, "What Should We Do about the Second Amendment?"


Final Report, "Should We Change the Marijuana Laws?

For more information, see Cactus: Spring 2012


What is CACTUS?

CACTUS is a different kind of class in which you will make new friends, learn new skills, have fun working together with others, develop new confidence, learn in depth about an important and interesting topic, and help strengthen American democracy.

Citizens’ assemblies are a new experiment in democratic decision-making. They are based on the idea that citizens, given adequate education and information, can deliberate and reason together, and make informed political decisions on a consensual basis. 
Additional information: 
•Frequently Asked Questions
•Contact us:

Dr. Jane Rainey
Dr. Glenn Rainey
Dr. Joe Gershtenson

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